Sadhguru's yogic doomsday prediction - a request from my side

The indian spiritual teacher Sadhguru makes here in this video (link) a very unusual statement. He says that when the influence of the moon gets to weak, human life will perish due to loss of fertility.

From this statement a very simple conclusion can be drawn: If people go to Mars, than they will (of course) leave the influence range of Earth and the Moon. Which means, that human-life cannot stay in sync-anymore with the cylces of the Moon. Hence a manned mission to Mars must fail, as humans are (at least) not fertile anymore apart from Earth.
Source of image: Youtube (Link)

A request from my side to the readers of this blog:
Perhaps somebody of you knows Sadhguru in person and can ask him one of the following questions:

  • Will human fertility get lost when we go away from Earth?
  • Can human life work in interplanetary space or on Mars?
  • Can plants germinate and grow on other planets?

In case that Sadhguru answers one these questions, it would be of great help for me if his answer is sent to me. My mailadress is:
I am very curious what he thinks about a manned mission to Mars.

Hubert R, January 2024 

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